Well, I made it back in one piece - tired and beaten up, but still in one piece. When I headed to Las Vegas to see the Mr. Olympia show, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I mean there are so many distractions in Sin City, would anyone really be concerned with Muscle Monsters that were promised to show. Well, on this particular occasion, the lure of Vegas life took a back seat to the spectacle of the greatest show on earth - the MR. OLYMPIA.

The Fusion crew started off by hitting the EXPO and so many great companies and celebreties were there. It was amazing to see the progression of the bodybuilding culture. Here are a few pix:
The show floor was rammed!
Jeff Golini - the mind behind Kre-Alkalyn.
Yikes - this comparision blew my mind!
The always effervescent Mai Tran and myself caught smiling - I HATE IT!
Show MC Bob Chicerillo and the Bodybuilding.com ladies
Adrian and Stacy SimonsAfter our feet were severly maimed, we decided to hit the main event - the stage show itself. When I walked into the Olreans Arena I could feel that bodybuilding is very much alive. People from all over the world packed the place. Chants and boos and claps echoed with every call out. The athletes looked amazing and I think for the most part, people were expecting Ronnie to win again - but there was a buzz all day:
"Ronnie isn't on."Of course we all know the gossip talk starts right away and spread quickly, but upon viewing the conditioning of Ronnie and Jay, I could see what they meant. As Ronnie and Jay remained the final two on stage the words of Bob Chicerillo hushed the crowed:
"The next name that leaves my mouth....will be the Mr. Olympia."It was so quiet:
"JAY CUTLER....!!!!"Everyone erupted and everyone looked a little bit in dis-belief for we were all part of history - the night the 8 time Mr. Olympia was beat and a new king emerged. Did Jay deserve it: HELL YA!
Bodybuilding is alive everyone - what an amazing weekend. Oh ya - I won $100 at the tables.
Chris Belanger - VP Sales