Wednesday, April 29, 2009

FUSION's Barry Antoniow continued his winning streak with his 5th Canadian Bench Press Title

OTTAWA, Canada -- Ontario's Barry Antoniow continued his winning streak with his 5th Canadian Bench Press Title. This year Barry decided to go up a weight class for more competition. Weighing in at 86kg for the 90 kg weight class, Barry ate well and ensured that he peaked his supplement intake the night before to make sure that his body was not missing anything.

Barry was defending his championship title and opened his lifting with a easy 205kgs (451 lbs), jumped to 227.5kg (501 lbs) and went for the Canadian record of 253 kg (556.6 lbs), “I had benched this on more than 20 separate occasions in the gym. But not today!”

None of Barry's competitors in Canada have really pushed him in competition. Barry, who has been involved in three International competitions in the past, knows that bigger competitions draw bigger lifts out of him. So he plans on a good battle in Europe, with his future plans including going to the World Bench Press Championship in Hamm Luxemburg May 2009.

Barry has noticed a difference with this year's training and has contributed many of his gains on a strict diet, focused periodized training and FUSION BODYBUILDING supplements. With the generous supplement sponsorship from FUSION he did not ration or skimp on the supplements this year and it has definitely paid off.

"My recovery, strength increase and maintaining my peak was very noticeable and I attribute this to hard work and smart supplement choices. Last year I did not maximize the full potential of the combination of training and timed supplements, often skimping on servings.” observed Antoniow. "That can happen with a lot of new lifters. Things are fine in the first year but if you have poor training and nutrition, over training can result in diminished gains."

"FUSION BODYBUILDING supplements…. you know when you are taking them because you can feel them at work! Having a company like FUSION stand beside you, support you and believe in your convictions is a positive influence on my gold medals." said Antoniow.

The 2009 World Bench Press Championship is the qualifying opportunity for Antoniow to secure a berth at the 2010 Arnold Classic Pro Bench Press Competition.

For more information:
Barry Antoniow
Canadian Bench Press
Mobile: +1 613 222 6374

This is Barry on the right, at the Arnold Classic having a little fun.


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