Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hey Bodybuilding Culture

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My name is Chris, but that's not me in the pic - he's Fouad Abiad. I am starting this blog at Fusion Nutrition and I want you to be part of it. I want to hear your thoughts on the supplements that are being used in the bodybuilding industry and will be letting you in on future projects that Fusion Nutrition has in store for you. If you have questions about the supplements that you are taking (from any company) and how you can maximize the benefits I will be glad to give you my unbiased opinion. There are many new products on the market that work but people are just not using them correctly…most of the time anyways.

A little bit about my past weekend, I took a Personal Training Specialist Course through Can-Fit Pro and will be writing the exam in the latter part of May. It was a pretty good refresher course and I look forward to the exam. I will keep you posted on my marks. There are a lot of other courses that I will be taking a look at such as ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association), IART (International Association of Resistance Trainers) or possibly certification from the Charles Poloquin principles. If you know of some other quality certifications I would like to know.

Chris - VP Sales

“Today’s preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement” - Anonymous

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