During my last bit of training I was heading to the gym in the morning before making it to the office. This was good, the testosterone levels are peaking and I was ready to battle in the gym. I had put on 20 pounds in 2 months. Clean. No shit, I really did. Now, my 5 ½ month old daughter needs her feeding a couple of times a night and this leaves me burned to make it in the morning. She is a beautiful girl though, just like her mother.
I started back last night and damn, this was a great training session. This summer I will only be training 2 – 3 times per week with a full body resistance, training program focusing on compound movement with 2 sets / 10 – 12 reps or failure. Along with this I will be making sure that I get 25 – 35 minutes of cardio with good 80% intensity followed by quality stretching. I hate cardio but it has to be done…for everybody. The other 3 – 4 times per week I spend on the soccer pitch. I do play competitive soccer till September so I do need to be in top, notch shape. Part of this training requires plyometrics and core training. These training programs are especially key for athletes wanting to excel in their specific sport.

Well, its time for me to get me to back to work and remember consistency is key.

Chris – VP Sales
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