Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lana's Egg Whites - THE BEST!!!!

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Fusion takes pride in knowing what's going on in the Bodybuilding Culture. One person we've known about for some time is the effervescent Lana Battagello. She's a sexy rock solid gal with brains to boot - a friend to the elite of bodybuilding and a great business woman. Lana's Egg Whites are one of her creations and is used by the likes of Jay Cutler, Monica Brant, Mark Dugdale and Elaine Goodlad - AWESOME! Take a look at what bodybuildings best are saying: CLICK HERE.

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(Lana & Jay Cutler)

Egg Whites are an excellent source of biologically valued protein because they provide the only protein which is instantly absorbed by your body. Other high protein foods like: beef, fish, chicken, and turkey must first be broken down by your body before the proteins can be absorbed. Even then, not everyone can metabolize meat protein properly. The same goes for protein powders and other meal replacements. It should also be noted that egg whites have no fat, and no cholesterol.

You know you need a broad spectrum amino acid protein to grow - so next time, give Lana's Egg Whites a shot. Visit her site and place your order: www.LanasEggWhites.com

Chris Belanger - VP Sales

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