Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't Be Afraid Of Soy...

Let's face it: Soy protein has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to muscle building. For years, so-called “experts” have slammed soy protein as inferior to whey and egg proteins, and have warned us about soy protein being a “womans protein” because of its estrogenic potential. These experts warn that the potential estrogen activity of soy could crush muscle growth by negatively impacting testosterone production.

Now, however, research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows beyond any doubt that soy protein is effective for men, as it is rich in isoflacones that increase HDL “good” cholestrol and lower LDL “bad” cholestrol, helping to keep your cardiovascular system and heart in good shape and dramatically reducing your chances of getting heart disease.

So here's your FUSION FACTOID: Don’t fear soy protein. Provided that you eat a diet rich in protein from whey, egg, milk and animal sources, soy protein will give you cardiovascular protection without any hormone releated side-effects.

- FUSION Research Team

Source: Brianne L McVeigh, Barbara L Dillingham, Johanna W Lampe, and Alison M Duncan. Effect of soy protein varying in isoflavone content on serum lipids in healthy young men. Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83:244 -51.

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