Monday, November 17, 2008

This Is Your Body On Cow Protein

Supplement makers are always looking for an edge - always looking for new ways to get your attention and your supplement dollars. To this end they are constantly innovating and developing their products, and are always searching for new ingredients to fuel your growth.

In the past several years, some companies have stumbled upon Bovine lactoferrin - a specialized cow protein found in cows milk that is supposed to have antibacterial power. Naturally, bodybuilders have been skeptical - and this ingredient hasn't really caught on. All of that may change, because new science shows that this stuff actually works - and works well!

A study appearing in Nutrition Research has found that taking Bovine lactoferrin by mouth can actually keep your immune system strong by not only killing opportunistic bacteria - like those that hang around in-wait when you're over-trained - but it can also protect your muscles by powerfully killing off harmful oxidants and free radicals that keep you inflamed and stunt your muscle growth.

So here's your FUSION FACTOID: It turns out that cow protein is good for you after all - and we're not just talking about meat or milk. Specialized cow proteins - Bovine lactoferrin - can keep you healthy, keep you training and, ultimately, keep you on the road to Muscletown!

- FUSION Research Team

Source: Ann M. Mulder, et al. Bovine lactoferrin supplementation supports immune and antioxidant status in healthy human males. Nutrition Research 28 (2008) 583 – 589.

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