Monday, February 09, 2009

Caffeine - it works better the more you train!

Bodybuilders know that adrenaline and noradrenaline are critical for having the energy needed to bust through a hard training session that builds maximum muscle. While a hard workout itself stimulates and triggers the release of these important energy hormones, sometimes it isn’t enough. That’s why supplementation is important – it can take your energy to the next level and make the difference between an OK workout and an explosive muscle-building session for the history books.

Caffeine stimulates adrenaline and noradrenaline release and dramatically increases your energy levels – but new science shows that not every bodybuilder responds equally to it. It turns out that men respond faster and to a greater degree than women do, and also that caffeine has more of an immediate and powerful effect with more training experience and a higher conditioning level.

So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: No matter whether you’re a male or female bodybuilder, the key to getting the maximum response from caffeine – the key to making it really shine – is hard, consistent work. Be sure to never miss a workout and to always push your conditioning and muscle growth to the next level. By pushing yourself that little extra bit in every workout, caffeine will work that much better and ultimately help push you over the top.

- FUSION Research Team

Source: Hassane Z, et al. Catecholamines and the effects of exercise, training and gender. Sports Med. 2008;38(5):401-423.

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