Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Do what you love.

I was just reading through the latest issue of Inside Fitness with GSP on the cover and I was reflecting on how great it is to see people doing what they love. You can tell by reading George's training article that he's willing to do what it takes to excel at the sport he loves. It’s impressive. But if you are in 'the know' and dig deeper you can see this reflecting in other peoples work. The publisher of the magazine is Terry Frendo. He's been in the game for a long time, he knows everyone. I'm sure that he could've been quite successful working for his former employer, but a few years ago he decided to go out on his own and start the magazine. Well, I know how hard he's worked to get Inside Fitness off the ground and he is now building a publishing empire. He's doing what he loves.

Looking further into the GSP article, is yet another example of someone following their passion. Liana Saadi is a good friend of mine and before she sky rocketed into photographer stardom she was only struggling with the idea. You could always see her walking around with her camera, taking shots and being creative, but it was only a hobby. It wasn’t until Liana put her fear aside has she made a mark in the industry. She’s so driven by her passion that she was actually able to secure a shoot with the most recognizable UFC athlete on the planet. She has heard her calling and I know you’ll see a lot more from her.

There’s a lesson just under the surface of the GSP Inside Fitness cover: do what you love! Get passionate, follow your dreams and make great things happen…then send me and email about it.


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