Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The National Roller Coaster.

What a roller coaster ride it was for the FUSION team this past weekend at the 2009 CBBF Nationals in Vancouver. There was a lot of public support for Dave Naugler going into this event. His prep was spot-on and it looked like he was on his way to a top placing. Backstage there was magic in the air as Dave began the countdown to his appearance. When he took off his team suit in the staging room everyone went silent…he looked amazing! But something happened…between that time and when he got onstage Dave’s physique changed slightly and he missed the mark. He wasn’t put in the top 6 callout and this ended his bid for the 2009 CBBF Championships. We were all crushed and confused…but that’s bodybuilding.

On the up side, FUSION has recently signed a 21 year old powerhouse named Darnell Collins. He has only been training for 2 years but he is truly one of those guys you know has greatness knocking at his door. At his young age, he has a well balanced physique with plenty of densely striated muscle…maturity beyond his years. It would appear the judges thought so too because they awarded him the title of Junior Mr. Canada. Way to go Darnell and welcome to the FUSION team!

To conclude; bodybuilding is bodybuilding and no one can predict the out come. FUSION is extremely proud of Dave and Darnell for representing the company so well and for inspiring others. Next stop…WBFF World Championships.

Here’s a pic of Darnell with his hardware…see what I mean :-)


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