Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Does cardio really make a difference?

It's the debate that continues to rage: the cardio debate. Some experts claim that cardio costs you muscle, and others claim that cardio is essential – that without it, you simply won’t grow. For years, there have been no clear answers – until now.

Researchers conducted a study measuring cardio training’s influence on the size and function of muscles. For 12 weeks, study participants underwent ergometer training, doing no other form of workout. After 12 weeks, researchers found that quadriceps muscle volume increased by 12 percent and power generated from the knee extensor increased by 55 percent.

Biopsies showed that the cardio training alone increased participants’ type I muscle fiber size by up to 21 percent and increased type I fiber power generation by 28 percent.

So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: This study is a smoking gun! Not only is cardio important just for general health, but this study shows that doing cardio helps physically change the structure of muscles, leading to “pronounced muscle hypertrophy.” So be sure to incorporate cardio into your training program. It’s no longer a question of if you should do cardio to build muscle, but only a question of when and how much.


Source: Harber MP, Konopka AR, Douglass MD, et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Nov;297(5):R1452-9. Epub 2009 Aug 19.


  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    good information!!!!!

    so cardio does make the difference!

    im going to be posting a good cardio article at http://www.bulkhogan.com

    ill link it back to you when it is up brother

  2. There's a recent study on the ergongenics site that seems to claim cardio WILL slow down muscle recovery from resistance training :-(
