Friday, December 03, 2010
Thank you!


Guelph, Canada – Dec. 2, 2010.
Nearly two years ago, FUSION BODYBUILDING® introduced its progressive branched-chain amino acids supplement, AGENT•M. Today, FUSION is proud to announce a new addition to the brand: AGENT•M grape-flavoured beverage powder. The intense training that bodybuilders undergo in the gym can trigger a complex series of events called the inflammatory cascade. This can stop muscle growth for days and dramatically lower testosterone and growth hormone levels for up to 15 hours. It usually takes 48 hours before the body can start to grow muscle. All AGENT•M products are formulated to stop the inflammatory cascade, saving muscle and accelerating its growth. What makes AGENT•M powder exceptional is that it contains a systemic enzyme blend called M•ZYME and 11,000 milligrams of BCAAs in every serving.
AGENT•M powder has an appealing list of benefits to any bodybuilder. AGENT•M helps build muscle by activating protein synthesis directly at the muscle-tissue site. It uses M•ZYME to prevent muscle breakdown by decreasing harmful inflammation. By including L-arginine, it enhances muscle pumps to produce a bigger, better pump. This in turn, supported by a powerful absorption booster, enhances nutrient delivery to the muscle. It even triggers a fourfold increase in insulin compared to regular protein, without using simple sugars.
FUSION co-founder Adrian Burke says, “People get really excited when they tell us how AGENT•M helps them build their muscles, but some weren’t thrilled at the number of caplets they had to take. That’s why we developed a drink formula for AGENT•M. One quick drink with a surprisingly good grape flavour gives them all the branched-chain amino acids and enzymes they need to keep their muscles growing. The best part is, we actually improved the formula. Each serving now contains 11,000 milligrams of BCAAs, which is an exceptional amount. As far as we can tell, and we’ve done our research, it’s the most BCAAs any product offers in one scoop. It’s an extraordinary product.”
Founded in 1998 by Ryan Herniman and Adrian Burke, FUSION BODYBUILDING is a top nutraceutical company dedicated to providing bodybuilding’s strongest supplements to the sport’s elite. All FUSION products start in the gym and are perfected in the lab by its innovative research and development team. FUSION products are sold worldwide.
Jefferson Wilde
V.P. Marketing
CONTACT: jeff@fusionbodybuilding.com
Monday, October 18, 2010
Coming soon; can you guess?
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Which bench press is better – flat or incline?

The king of all chest exercises – the bench press. But which bench press is better – flat or incline? A recent study from Fraser Valley University in Canada looked at both the incline and flat bench press to examine how much muscle activation occurs. Using an EMG, they examined two areas of the pec major, the clavicular head and sternocostal, along with the front deltoid.
What they found was the flat bench press used more of the larger portion of the pec, the sternocostal. The incline press triggered the use of more of the anterior deltoid and the pec’s clavicular head.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: To get a large powerful chest, you can’t just stick to flat bench press. You need to incorporate other bench variations, including the incline bench press, and dips are a good idea too! Doing so will help bring up your chest musculature showing the world that yes, you truly are a bodybuilder.
Source: Trebs A, Brandenburg J, and Pitney W. An electromyography analysis of 3 muscles surrounding the shoulder joint during the performance of a chest press exercise at several angles. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010. 24(7) pg. 1925.1930.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
FUSION athlete Lauren Jacobsen wins her class at the North Americans!

Friday, September 03, 2010
Figure athlete Lauren Jacobsen signs with FUSION BODYBUILDING®
Figure athlete Lauren Jacobsen signs with FUSION BODYBUILDING®

GUELPH, Canada – Sept 3rd, 2010 – The first time you see Lauren Jacobsen onstage in a figure competition, you can’t help notice her strength, determination and toned physique. The first time you talk to her, you can’t help but quickly realize that she knows more about fitness and supplements than all the regulars at your local gym put together. That makes her the perfect fit to become a sponsored athlete with the FUSION BODYBUILDING team, a supplement company that prides itself on creating strong supplements for bodybuilders who know what they need.
Jacobsen is an accomplished figure athlete who has competed throughout the world. After placing first at the Canadian Natural Nationals, she qualified to compete at the IFBB Women’s World Championships in Spain. More recently, she placed first in her category at the 2009 OPA Ontario Provincial Championships and placed second at the CBBF Nationals.
Since university, Jacobsen has used her biochemistry degree to develop performance-enhancing supplements for many of the top companies in the industry. She’s also a regular contributor to Inside Fitness magazine and a host with the hit TV show Body Fuel, where she explains proper supplementation.
FUSION V.P. of Marketing Jefferson Wilde is ecstatic about making Jacobsen a FUSION sponsored athlete: “Lauren is an exceptional competitor who knows her supplements. She’s a perfect match for the FUSION BODYBUILDING team. She appreciates that FUSION is focused on creating effective, powerful supplements that deliver the results bodybuilders are looking for.”
Lauren seems pretty excited also. “I’m extremely excited to be part of the FUSION team. FUSION is providing me the opportunity and platform to leverage my knowledge of supplements with my passion for competing and bodybuilding.”
Founded in 1998 by Ryan Herniman and Adrian Burke, FUSION BODYBUILDING is a top nutraceutical company dedicated to providing bodybuilding supplements to true followers of the sport. All of FUSION’s products start in the gym and are perfected in the lab by its innovative research and development team. FUSION products are sold worldwide.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bodybuilding’s “Mr. Canada” Santana Anderson signs with FUSION BODYBUILDING

The Nationals represented a wildly successful return to competition for Anderson after a four-year absence. “Towards March of this year, my training partner, Salim Satir, and I began training together, and we both began to have aspirations to do the Nationals in August. Within weeks of seeing great results, I rediscovered my passion for training and became fully committed and excited with my prep.” Anderson says. “Winning the overall felt amazing – a vindication of years of hard work, sacrifices and effort put forth in the gym and kitchen. I was lucky enough to have it been my day to succeed.”
Anderson is excited about being sponsored by FUSION BODYBUILDING. “FUSION is just a natural fit for me. It is Canadian, supports bodybuilding and has a culture that understands what this sport is all about. I want to commend the company on bringing forth such a great line and having content on its website that supports the bodybuilding lifestyle.”
FUSION Co-president Adrian Burke agrees. “Santana is exactly the type of dedicated, hardworking bodybuilder that we created FUSION BODYBUILDING for. He not only works hard and smart but also lives the sport, has an unbelievable physique and is a great guy. It’s obvious he’s going to go far, and we look forward to helping him along the way.”
Founded in 1998 by Ryan Herniman and Adrian Burke, FUSION BODYBUILDING is a top nutraceutical company dedicated to providing bodybuilding supplements to true followers of the sport. All of FUSION’s products start in the gym and are perfected in the lab by its innovative research and development team. FUSION products are sold worldwide.
Jefferson Wilde
CONTACT: jeff@fusionbodybuilding.com
Friday, August 20, 2010
FUSION at the 2010 CBBF Nationals.
Darnell made the top five in the Light Middleweight class and preformed a commanding routine at the night show. He was a fan favourite!

Jeff Hache took top honours in the Bantamweight class, he was so ripped!
Zaid Adamo from New Foundland took two titles. He won the Men’s Classic Short and the Men’s Lightweight - an amazing accomplishment!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Another happy OMEGA•OIL™ user.

We asked her what she benched…she had no idea what we were talking about.
“I would like to say thank you for the omega oil for bodybuilders. My cartilage in my left knee had a slight tear it was swollen and painful that was in April within a week the pain was gone, my brain was no longer in a fog, no longer creaked like a door, my skin is healthier, everyone liked my skin before, if the women out there knew that all they needed to do is buy your product they would not need to buy expensive creams and lotions because your product gives you that. I tried not taking the oil for a few days noticed right off the difference. I am a mature lady everyone mistakes me for a forty year old. I was taking (another brand) omega 3 it took away the odd hot flash. It also cleaned out my system. I swore by that product but, I will never go back to that again after having your product I still take their (another product) and (another product) which I love and take everyday. Keep up the good work thank you for helping us older consumers. My son is in the business they rate all their products yours is one of their new ones. look from time to time to see what products you have. Have a pleasant day...” - Marilyn Baker via email
Thanks for your feedback Marilyn!
Friday, August 06, 2010
Being A Bodybuilder.com - Episode 7 - Living With A Bodybuilder
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Forget Your Routine?

A new study has revealed that memory function and overall thinking abilities are greatly affected by diet. Scientists at Columbia University Medical Center in New York examined the dietary intakes of 2,148 persons for a total of four years.
After four years of follow-up and dietary analysis, they determined that subjects consuming saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and folate in high amounts dramatically reduced their risk of memory and thinking problems.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: Your brain is the most important muscle in your body. Without your brain, there is no mind, and no mind-muscle connection. Poor thinking and poor memory are symptomatic of a poorly functioning brain. So, feed your brain well – eat plenty of nuts and seeds, fish, poultry, and fruits and vegetables. As a bodybuilder, you should be making these staples in your diet already. If they aren’t, get to work! Treat your brain right, and it will help you remember your routine and grow plenty of muscle for years to come.
Source: Gu Y, Nieves JW, Stern Y, Luchsinger JA, Scarmeas N. Food combination and Alzheimer disease risk: A protective diet. Arch Neurol. 2010 Apr 12. [Epub ahead of print].
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Official GLUTAMEND™ Press Release

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
For more information on GLUTAMEND go to http://www.fusionbodybuilding.com/glutamend/

Thursday, July 15, 2010
More OMEGA-3’s Please!

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh looked at the effects of omega-3 supplementation on inflamed body tissues. They discovered several specialized types of previously unknown inflammation mediators and modified these to interact with proteins. They found that omega-3 fatty acids work by the same mechanism as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen without the negative hormonal effects seen with ibuprofen use, such as estrogen increases.
The researchers concluded that evidence is increasing that omega-3 fatty acids are so powerful at reducing inflammation that they should be considered for treatment in inflammation-related diseases! For the first time, we have proof that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation via the same mechanism as traditional pharmaceutical NSAIDs.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: If you aren’t using an omega-3 supplement, you should be. Omega-3 fatty acids not only strengthen your cells and support optimal testosterone production but also dramatically reduce inflammation via the same mechanism as NSAIDs. So, the next time you’re tired and sore after a hard training session, think twice about taking that ibuprofen – it’ll just crush your testosterone – and reach for the omega-3 fatty acids instead!
Source: Groeger AL, Cipollina C, Cole MP, et al. Cyclooxygenase-2 generates anti-inflammatory mediators from omega-3 fatty acids. Nature Chemical Biology.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Glutamine accounts for 61% of the free amino acids in your skeletal muscles, making it the most abundant in your body. After training, you deplete your glutamine concentrations by 40%, triggering muscle catabolism. GLUTAMEND counteracts this and helps you repair muscle quickly and maintain optimal muscle function.
Schwarzenegger the artist makes a pitch.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been many things -- a bodybuilder, an actor, a politician. But now it can be revealed that Schwarzenegger, in his quiet moments, finds solace with a paintbrush in his hand.
It came to light Monday as Schwarzenegger joined First Lady Maria Shriver, Quincy Jones, T-Bone Burnett and others to launch the "Million Plates Campaign for the Arts" -- an effort to get California drivers to voluntarily pay higher vehicle registration fees to raise money for the arts.
"I paint. I draw," said Schwarzenegger, who said he makes Christmas and Mother's Day cards for his family. "I would rather write, but I can't write. I'm a bad writer, I can tell you. But I paint. That's how I express myself. I only am able to do that because when I grew up in Austria, we had twice a week arts classes."
Schwarzenegger said his appreciation for art led him to bodybuilding. "I took art so serious that I started sculpting my body and created a Mr. Universe body. Think about that. I learned about Michaelangelo and Leonardo Di Vinci and Rodin, and all those sculptors, and said 'Why don't I try to do this with dumbbells and barbells and sculpt my own body?' So that's also art."
To the governor's Twitter followers, of course, this is old news. Last year, Schwarzenegger posted a photo of this mixed-media masterpiece on his Twitter page. http://twitpic.com/kujml
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Another great FUSION BODYBUILDING transformation.

To learn more go to: http://www.fusionbodybuilding.com/transformations/
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Cardio, Resistance and Molecules...

A new study sought to test the effects of repeated sprinting and repeated resistance exercise on how muscle tissue adapts in people. Researchers had a small group of men do a one-repetition maximum (1RM) leg extension. Participants were randomly assigned to groups that either performed resistance exercise followed by sprints or vice versa. Researchers took various measurements 15 minutes and three hours after each workout session.
The results showed that repeated sprinting before weightlifting can interfere with the signals generated by weight training. Put simply, the signals generated from doing too much cardio can interfere with the signaling generated by lifting heavy weights. In this way, cardio can stop you from growing muscle.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: You need cardio – make no mistake – but doing too much too soon can kill your muscle gains. The solution? Try to do your cardio and weight sessions as far apart as possible to avoid signal interference. If you can’t do that, taper down the intensity near the end of your cardio session in anticipation of your heavy lifting session. Doing this well before the two-minute cooldown period will help ensure minimal signal interference.
Source: Coffey VG, Jemiolo B, Edge J, et al. Effect of consecutive repeated sprint and resistance exercise bouts on acute adaptive responses in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Nov;297(5):R1441-51. Epub 2009 Aug 19.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Arnold Sports Film Festival to Debut at the 2011 Arnold Sports Festival

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Arnold Sports Festival and Ideas United today announced that the first Arnold Sports Film Festival will be held March 4-6, 2011 in Columbus, Ohio, in conjunction with the Arnold Sports Festival.
The Arnold Sports Film Festival (ASFF) will be committed to the discovery, nurture and presentation of the best short-form international filmmaking focused on personal athletic endeavor. The ASFF will complement and extend the largest multi-sport event in the world, which was founded in 1989 by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The ASFF will build on the Arnold Sports Festival’s decades-long commitment to highlighting achievement in individual sport and athletic competition.
Produced in partnership with Ideas United – the creators of Campus MovieFest (CMF), the world’s largest student film festival – the ASFF will seek films and filmmakers who explore the journey, perseverance, and triumphs of individuals who participate in athletic expression and competition.
“We couldn’t be more excited to combine the power of film with the passion of athletics for this one-of-a-kind showcase,” said David Roemer, CEO of Ideas United and Co-founder of Campus MovieFest. “We feel honored and privileged to partner with the Arnold Sports Festival while leveraging our experience of providing filmmakers with unforgettable opportunities.”
Filmmakers of all ages will be invited to submit films less than 15 minutes in length to the ASFF in a variety of categories including narrative, documentary, animated, and broadcast films. The films should explore the lives, efforts, inspirations, and hopes of people striving for achievement in individual athletic pursuits ranging from bodybuilding to boxing, gymnastics to judo, table tennis to weightlifting, grappling to skateboarding.
“Arnold and I welcome this opportunity to join in partnership with the long-established and highly successful Campus MovieFest team,” said Jim Lorimer, co-promoter of the Arnold Sports Festival. “The CMF program focus has been on affording students throughout the nation the chance to compete as film producers and directors. This goal fits perfectly with our youth-oriented Arnold Sports Festival program. Short film submissions will also be encouraged from film production artists of all ages throughout the nation and the world.
“The film focus will be on the athletic endeavors and motivations of the individual athlete. Why does the athlete do it and what does it mean in his or her life? The stories will be of great human interest and the ASFF winner will be invited to spend a day on a Hollywood movie set with Arnold in addition to other prizes.”
The Arnold Sports Film Festival encourages both traditional and alternative storytelling, combining creativity and excellence in cinema with the drama of athletes determined to be the very best. In addition, Ideas United will bring the ASFF to more than 50 colleges, universities and high schools as part of Campus MovieFest. CMF provides students with everything they need to create short movies for free and will extend the ASFF reach to more than 100,000 college students.
The ASFF – through a renowned entertainment and sports industry jury that will include Gov. Schwarzenegger – will award significant prize packages to winning filmmakers during the Arnold Sports Festival. The ASFF will be held at the Arena Grand Movie Theater in downtown Columbus.
Filmmakers, partners, and media may learn more at www.arnoldsportsfestival.com before submissions open in July 2010.
The Arnold Sports Festival
The Arnold Sports Festival is the largest multi-sport festival in the nation featuring 18,000 athletes competing in 45 sports and events, including 11 Olympic sports. The Arnold Sports Festival was founded in 1989 by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer of Worthington, Ohio. The Arnold Sports Festival attracted a record 175,000 attendees to Columbus over four days in 2010. The 2011 Arnold Sports Festival will be held March 3-6, 2011. For more, visit www.arnoldsportsfestival.com
Ideas United
Ideas United creates immersive, experienced-based events — including Campus MovieFest and College Battle of the Bands – for premier brands and organizations around the world. Since 2000, IU has provided over 300,000 students with everything they need to create incredible short films and music thanks to corporate partners including AT&T, Apple, Panasonic, and more. Winners have walked away with over $2 million in prizes and seen their creations at Cannes, Paramount, in-flight on Virgin America, and on AT&T phones. For more information, visit campusmoviefest.com and collegebattleofthebands.com.
Brent LaLonde
Arnold Sports Festival
Ajay Pillarisetti
deas United
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bodybuilder Frederick Smith Dies at 67
Son Kenrick said Smith was unresponive since Wednesday and was not reacting to touch and sound.
Smith served the sport for some 40 years, as a competitor in the 1970s and 1980s, building the Grecian ideal of the human physique, and as national coach and president.
He has been unofficial national coach since he stopped competing in 1987, and first became president from 1983 to 1985, and again for the past four years.
"Last week my father asked me if I was alright and not to worry," said 47-year-old Kenrick, the only son and one of two children for his father.
The inquiry, the younger Smith said, was an indication his father would not have been around much longer.
With a chemotherapy bill of some $100,000 a month, which neither he nor nor his family could afford, Smith said a few months ago the Sports Development Foundation (SDF) came to his rescue.
Smith was able to leave and returned to the University Hospital last week Wednesday.
He leaves wife Doreth, two years his senior, and daughter Sophia.
After three years of training, Smith started competing in bodybuilding in 1969 at the age of 27.
Courtesy of Jamaica Observer
Friday, June 11, 2010
Can you guess?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
B Good to Your Heart

But while training stresses your muscles and makes them grow, it also stresses your heart. While bodybuilders have taken B vitamins for years because of their known anabolic properties and muscle-building effects, a recently concluded 14-year-long Japanese study of 23,119 men and 35,611 women found that taking a combination of folate and B6 can significantly prevent heart disease. Scientists found that the higher the folate and B6, the lower the risk that men had of dying from heart failure, and the lower the risk that women had of stroke, heart disease and all cardiovascular system diseases. The study didn’t establish precise dosages and measured intake from food sources.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: This study is the first of its kind to show that, taken in combination, B6 and folate work to keep your heart healthy and strong. While coenzyme Q10 has traditionally been used to keep the cardiovascular system healthy, we bodybuilders now have another weapon in our arsenal to keep our cardiovascular systems strong and healthy for years to come, not to mention another reason to buy the prime AAA beef that fuels insane muscle growth!
Source: Cui R, Iso H, Date C, Kikuchi S, Tamakoshi A; Japan Collaborative Cohort Study Group. Dietary folate and vitamin b6 and B12 intake in relation to mortality from cardiovascular diseases: Japan collaborative cohort study. Stroke. 2010 Jun;41(6):1285-9. Epub 2010 Apr 15.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Duncan Takes Overall!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Goodbye DOMS?
New research aimed to investigate the effects of physical treatments on DOMS onset. Study participants were divided into three random groups: a control group, a group receiving physical treatments before working out, and a group receiving physical treatments after working out.
The researchers found that pre- and post-exercise physical therapy partially prevents and treats DOMS respectively, by reducing the effects of reactive oxygen species produced by training.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: DOMS sucks, and while you can’t guarantee that it will never set in after a hard workout, you can tilt the odds in your favor by going for a pre-workout massage or by massaging your sore and tired muscles afterward. Not only will this help prevent and/or relieve DOMS, but it may also break up any tight muscle fascia, thereby opening up new areas for growth.
Source: Xiong Y, Wu YC, Jin HZ, Gu YH. [Randomized controlled trials on the influence and mechanism of manipulation on delayed onset muscle soreness after eccentric exercise][Article in Chinese]. Zhongguo Gu Shang. 2009 Sep;22(9):669-73.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You can learn more about Chidi here: http://tinyurl.com/26kax2x
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
FUSION Athlete Dominates.

Here is his posing routine:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Dennis Tinerino Passes Away.

Tinerino died Friday morning May 7 at Northridge Community Hospital in Northridge, California after an 18-month battle with stomach cancer.
Dennis Tinerino was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York on December 23, 1945, the second son of third-generation Italian-American parents. His family moved to Brownsville, Brooklyn when Dennis was eight years old. His father Carmine was a dockworker and Golden Gloves boxer who took Dennis to his first workouts at the Brooklyn Central YMCA when Dennis was 12 years old.
The legendary bodybuilder won his first title as Mr. Brooklyn in 1964. He followed that up with 11 additional titles, including Mr. New York City, and Mr. America in 1967. After winning Mr. America, he competed in the 1967 Mr. Universe, finishing in second place to an up and coming Arnold Schwarzenegger. He came back to win the NABBA Mr. Universe title in England in 1968. Three more Mr. Universe titles followed in 1975, 1980 and 1981. Tinerino also won the title of Pro Mr. Natural America in 1978.
A regular competitor in the Mr. Olympia contests from 1977 through 1982, his highest finish was second in the heavyweight division in 1979. Throughout his career, Tinerino graced the cover of dozens of bodybuilding and fitness magazines, including Muscle & Fitness, Muscular Development, Iron Man, and Strength & Health. He was also featured in many fitness and training ads, and authored his own weight training manuals.
Tinerino was mentored by bodybuilding legends Bill Pearl and Joe Abbenda. He competed against some of the top name bodybuilders in the golden age of the sport, including Reg Park, Dave Draper, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Franco Columbu and Frank Zane. Best known for his door wide shoulders and washboard abs, “Dennis was one of the best bodybuilders of his era. His blend of size and shape was a classic combination that took him to Mr. America, Mr. World and Mr. Universe” according to Joe Weider, the “Father of Bodybuilding” and founder of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Building.)
Among other career accomplishments, Tinerino was named to several Halls of Fame, including the AAU Hall of Fame, the Italian American Sports Hall of Fame, the Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen Hall of Fame, the National Fitness Hall of Fame, and in 2006, the IFBB Body Building Hall of Fame.
In 1970 Dennis met and married the love of his life, Anita Conti and together they appeared on the December 1971 cover of Strength & Health Magazine. They moved from Queens, New York to California in 1974 and had three children, Tara, Marissa and Dennis-John.
A SAG actor, Tinerino had several roles in TV commercials and movies, including “Hercules in New York,” with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
After undergoing a spiritual conversion in 1979, Dennis became an ordained Christian minister and founded Dennis Tinerino Ministries. He traveled the world and preached in dozens of countries including England, Italy, Greece, Japan and Australia, as well as throughout the United States.
He was associated with such well-known evangelists as Dr. Jerry Savelle, Pastor Ray McCauley, and Rodney Howard-Browne. Dennis often humorously referred to himself as “The Sermonator” a reference to his long time rival and friend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was known as “The Terminator” and most recently “The Governator.”
Tinerino’s life and spiritual journey are documented in his autobiography, “Super Size Your Faith,” which was published in 2006.
Along the way Tinerino’s testimony and preaching touched millions of lives around the world. He was loved and respected throughout the Christian community. A big man with a big heart, he was known for his larger-than-life, joyous and fun personality.
Tinerino is survived by his wife Anita, two daughters, Tara and Marissa, son Dennis-John, son-in-law Eli Flora, parents Carmine and Mary, brothers Salvatore and Laurence, nieces Andrea Tinerino McMahon and Ilona Tinerino-Allen, and nephews Vincent and Jared.
Source: Los Angeles Times via http://insidebodybuilding.blogspot.com/
Monday, May 10, 2010
Vitamin D: Think about it ...
A new study presented at the American Academy of Neurology showed that low vitamin D levels are, in some cases, related to brain shrinkage and dramatic declines in cognition (thinking ability).
For bodybuilders, the mind-muscle connection is everything. To grow, you have to feel your muscles through every phase of the repetition. If you’re deficient in vitamin D, not only will you fail to build muscle because of a loss of mind-muscle connection, but another important organ will shrink: your brain.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D of all types from all sources. (Sunlight is a great natural vitamin D source!) Examine your multivitamin supplement, and check this against your needs as a bodybuilder. Make up the difference through supplementation. Failure to do so can cripple your muscle gains and make your brain stupid in the long run.
Source: University at Buffalo. Low vitamin D levels are related to MS brain atrophy, cognitive function, studies show. Apr 30, 2010
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Congratulations Robin!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Follow FUSION BODYBUILDING Athlete Darnell Collins as he get's set to battle out for his IFBB Pro Card. www.fusionbodybuilding.com/darnell-vlog
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
From a FUSION user.
"Hey Fusion, competition went well and I took home second place! Everyone I talked to said first should have been mine, but judges make the call. I used Sub Q to help me dry up for that last week since it has the dandelion root in it and it worked great! Once again, thanks alot for all of your help!"
Congratulations on bringing home some hardware Kyle!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Your Prostate...Ground Zero
A study presented at a conference held by the American Association for Cancer Research looked at the coffee intake of 50,000 men over 20 years and also measured their prostate health. The researchers found that coffee affected insulin function, glucose metabolism and sex hormone levels. They also determined that coffee’s effects were dose-dependent; that is, men who consumed the most coffee had a 60 percent lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer than men who drank no coffee. However, they noted that it wasn’t caffeine that was responsible for the effects. It was the antioxidants and minerals in coffee itself that provided the benefit.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: While it’s not clear that drinking coffee prevents prostate cancer, there’s a strong inverse correlation between the two, and that’s good enough for us! So next time you’re about to hit the gym, skip the energy drink and do your prostate and your energy levels a favor – down a cup of coffee instead!
Wilson KM, Kasperzyk JL, Stark JR et al. Coffee consumption and risk of lethal and advanced prostate cancer. Cancer Prev Res. 2010;3(1 Suppl):A106. Presented at AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. Dec 6-9, 2009; Houston, TX
Monday, April 26, 2010
Female Bodybuilder Renee O'Neill Passes Away.

From Steve Wennerstrom:
It is with great sorrow and regret that I report the passing of former national-class heavyweight competitor Renee O'Neill.
Diagnosed with cancerous melanoma on January 12th, O'Neill died on March 31st from complications stemming from the cancer. A memorial service was held on April 7th at the Berryhill Funeral Home Chapel in her Athens, Alabama home. She was 47. Born in Massachusetts and raised in Southern California where she graduated from Pacifica High School in Garden Grove in 1980, O'Neill transferred from Orange Coast College to the University of Alabama in Huntsville where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in 1985 and a Master of Science in computer science in 1992. An accomplished bodybuilder, O'Neill began competing in 1991 winning the NPC Tennessee Valley heavyweight class. In 1992 she placed third at the NPC Alabama as a MW. After winning the overall NPC Alabama in 1993 O'Neill moved to bigger regional and national-level events. In 1995 she won the HW & overall NPC Southern States. She was also the HW & Overall winner at the 1997 NPC Ironmaiden in California. O'Neill's highest national placing came in 1999 when she placed second in the HW class at the NPC Nationals. Over her competitive career she entered the Nationals six times, and the IFBB North American, NPC USA, NPC Junior USA, and NPC Junior Nationals once each. Her competitive career lasted 10 ten years from 1991 to 2000. O'Neill was also a noteworthy powerlifter who totaled 1,150 pounds in the 165-pound class lifting 450 in the squat, 250 in the bench, and 450 in the deadlift. She was also a skilled ice hockey player, and also had a love of horseback riding. Outside of bodybuilding, O'Neill carried on an impressive career working for The Boeing Company working as an associate technical fellow in 2003 and as an executive in 2008. Her last position was as director, Sensors Systems Integrated Product Team for the Ground Based Midcourse Defense Missile program. On one of the biographical sheets she filled out at one of her many competitions - under occupation - she simply wrote "software engineer working on the space station project". In addition, O'Neill received notable commendations for her work including the 1996 NASA Space Flight Awareness award and the 2007 Air, Space, and Missile Defense Association's Space and Missile Defense Technical Achievement award. We extend our sincerest condolences to her husband Don Gold, her daughter Caroline, and her entire family. Rest assured she will always be remembered warmly in the sport of women's bodybuilding.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bobby's Transformation.

Thursday, April 15, 2010
2010 WBFF BC Championships.

Good luck to all the competitors and congratulations Paul!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Pain No More?
But did you also know that adding muscle to your physique can place additional stress on your joints? It’s true.
Researchers at the University of Sydney had 111 high-body mass index (BMI) subjects take tests to assess their range of knee motion, quadriceps strength and alignment between thighs and shins. Subjects then underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) testing.
The scientists found that high-BMI subjects had higher rates of knee cartilage defects and that the degree of defects correlated to increasing BMI scores. That is, as BMI scores increased, so too did frequency and severity of reported and imaged cartilage problems.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: The science is clear that the higher your BMI, the more wear and tear your joints will bear. Over time, this will show up in chronic conditions such as arthritis. To combat this, take joint supplements and consume plenty of fish oil. This study further highlights the need for bodybuilders to stay lean, because if your joints are going to bear weight, it had better be muscle!
Source: Anandacoomarasamy A, Smith G, Leibman S, et al. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2009 Oct;48(10):1290-3. Epub 2009 Aug 18.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bobby Rupcich - 2 Weeks Out.
Monday, March 22, 2010
GNC Canada to carry FUSION’s OMEGA•OIL
Research clearly shows the benefits of including more EFAs such as omega-3s in our diets. OMEGA•OIL was scientifically developed to help bodybuilders protect muscle, burn fat, reduce joint inflammation and pain, improve insulin response, improve cardiovascular health, increase mood quality and promote brain cell growth. However, unlike other EFA supplements, OMEGA•OIL is made exclusively of fish oil, which is more bioavailable than other sources. It uses an exclusive three-fish blend because fish oils have been scientifically shown to trigger the most rapid increase of key EFA components in the blood, much faster than sources such as flaxseed oil. This gets EFAs into bodybuilders’ systems sooner so they see results sooner.
“We’re very happy that even more bodybuilders will have access to OMEGA•OIL,” says Adrian Burke, co-founder of FUSION BODYBUILDING. “We created OMEGA•OIL because we knew that most bodybuilders aren’t getting enough EFAs in their strict and unique diets. That’s why we created an omega-3 supplement made just for bodybuilders. OMEGA•OIL can help them stay healthy and reach their goals. OMEGA•OIL should definitely be a staple in any bodybuilder’s on-season and off-season diet.”
Founded in 1998 by Ryan Herniman and Adrian Burke, FUSION BODYBUILDING is a top nutraceutical company dedicated to providing bodybuilding supplements to true followers of the sport. All of FUSION’s products start in the gym and are perfected in the lab by its innovative research and development team. FUSION products are sold worldwide.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hard Workout = Long Life?
To answer this, researchers from Saarland University in Germany wanted to examine the effects of a hard workout on telomeres, the regions of DNA that sit at the ends of your chromosomes and protect them from damage, like the plastic pieces that prevent your shoelaces’ ends from fraying. The shortening of telomeres is thought to lead to the aging of cells and to limit longevity. These researchers took blood tests from two groups of elite professional athletes and two groups of healthy, nonsmoking nonexercisers. The findings were astonishing.
According to the study’s lead researcher, “The most significant finding of this study is that physical exercise of the professional athletes leads to activation of the important enzyme telomerase and stabilizes the telomere.”
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: A hard workout works and slows aging because it stabilizes telomere length and stops telomeric shortening. Thus, a workout protects your DNA from damage and literally stops cellular aging. So, if you want to add years to your career in the gym and pounds of muscle to your physique, get in the gym and work like a pro! Your telomeres will thank you for it now and for years to come.
Source: Werner C, Fürster T, Widmann T, et al. Physical exercise prevents cellular senescence in circulating leukocytes and in the vessel wall. Circulation. 2009 Dec 15;120(24):2438-47.
Friday, March 12, 2010
A Nod to Arnold.
Charles is an up and coming bodybuilder from Quebec City. He has recently secured a spot on the FUSION BODYBUILDING roster and we are proud to have him on-board. If you want to learn more about Charles visit his BodySpace profile: http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/charley33/
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
From A FUSION Fan.
My name is David Hurley and I am a Physical Education student at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton. I 21 years old and have recently competed in my first bodybuilding show, placing 1st in the Juniors category and 2nd in the Middleweight category. I am now training blood and guts style for Provincials in June 2011. I weighed in at 163 pounds bone dry at Muscle Beach, so I have quite a bit of weight to grow into to blow everyone away in about a year and a bit.
Although I am a student, I am currently employed at GNC Londonderry, and have been for the past 2 years. That is where I first learned about your guy's products. I can honestly say that Purple-K was the first supplement I ever used and with enough calories in my diet, I saw the lean mass pile on. Also, without Sub-Q I would have died will dieting towards the end of my show prep for Muscle Beach.
So I thought I would write you guys just to say thanks for everything and that your products truly do make a difference. I plan to continue to using Fusion Bodybuilding supplements until my competing days are over - and as I see it, I am just getting started!
Thanks again!
David Hurley
p.s. I have attached a couple of pictures for you guys!"
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Monday, March 01, 2010
Going to the Arnold?
I hope you take some time to make your way to Columbus, Ohio, this weekend. It’s going to be a blast!
- Adrian Burke

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mind Over Matter?
Researchers wanted to find this out by looking at the effects of using attention span as a way to change the perceived difficulty of a workout. In other words, they wanted to see if changing the way that you use your attention span changes the levels of mental stress and perceived difficulty of a hard set, allowing for better performance and greater gains.
They found that although directing your attention outside of yourself is effective at increasing performance at low to moderate exercise intensities, it becomes less so as your body approaches its physical limits at greater intensity levels.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: The next time you’re about to load up a heavy bar and bust out a heavy set, take a realistic look at the situation and determine if you’re actually able to do the work, or if you’re just trying to convince yourself. To tell the difference, sit down for thirty seconds and close your eyes. If they spin or you feel burned out, your nervous system has reached its limit and no amount of mental trickery will get you safely through the set. The fact is, mental tricks work to get you in the gym and to get you momentum, but as you get more fatigued, they lose effectiveness. At this point, if you keep pushing yourself, you’ll get hurt. So know your limit, and bodybuild within it! Reject inappropriate mind-over-matter strategies. This will help keep you growing and prevent you from becoming an injury statistic.
Source: Lind E, Welch AS, Ekkekakis P. Do ‘mind over muscle’ strategies work? Examining the effects of attentional association and dissociation on exertional, affective and physiological responses to exercise. Sports Med. 2009;39(9):743-64.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Now that’s muscle memory.
Source: CBC News
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Eating a medium pizza instead of an extra-large is not a diet
But we have to draw the line somewhere, and I think I’ve found that line: the diet plan of Paul Mason, the fattest guy in the world. I recently came across this story in English tabloid The Sun
Posing for Wii posers
There are hundreds of video games out there – some good, some bad – but a new game for the Wii makes you wonder what the heck they were thinking. It’s called Muscle March, and it’s a Japanese hole-in-the-wall game in which you control bodybuilders who have to hit the proper bodybuilding poses to make it through – you guessed it – holes in the wall.
Here’s the official blurb:
The official Muscle March™ is a quirky Japanese action game stuffed full of macho bodybuilders. The all mighty protein powder has been stolen so it’s up to Tony and his muscle-bound crew to catch the thieves. Choose from a variety of perfectly molded superstars and bring these terrible villains to justice. As each thief attempts his escape, he will smash through walls while making a variety of poses. You must match these poses to fit through the holes and catch up to the thieves. The protein powder will be yours again!
Now, you know I love my protein powder, but this game looks horrible. At least it gave me a laugh. Hope it gives you one too.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Get Enough?
Researchers wanted to analyze the effects of taking different amounts of rest time between sets as a way of trying to get a specific training outcome – i.e., muscle growth, strength gains or enhanced endurance.
The researchers split subjects into groups and had them do a workout. The results of the study show that in terms of acute responses, with training loads of 50 to 90 percent of one-rep max (1RM), a rest period of 3 to 5 minutes was best because it allowed for more repetitions over more sets. It was found that 3 to 5 minutes of rest between sets also increased greater absolute strength, which was a function of the increased intensity of the training. In terms of power, subjects who did multiple sets with 3 to 5 minutes in between sets had higher levels of muscle power over those sets than people who waited only one minute between sets. The researchers also found that if muscle growth is the goal, 30 to 60 seconds is the best rest period, as it keeps growth hormone (GH) levels higher, and that 20-second to one-minute rest periods are best for endurance during high-intensity endurance exercise.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: When designing a training program, factor in your intra-workout rest times and design them to give you the biggest bang for your buck – muscle growth, strength gains or enhanced endurance. By both working and resting for the same goal, you’ll be one step closer to taking your physique to the next level!
Source: de Salles BF, Simão R, Miranda F, Novaes Jda S, Lemos A, Willardson JM. Rest interval between sets in strength training. Sports Med. 2009;39(9):765-77.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Professional Physique...Professional Genetics?
Still, genetics are the overriding regulator of size, density, hardness and other muscular qualities, even if you use steroids and other performance-enhancing products, including supplements. In fact, you could say that there’s been a shift in our understanding of the body. No longer are we in a simple macronutrient mode in which we simply feed the body a generalized diet or give it a single training method. We’re now in the era of genetics.
This was recently confirmed by the development of new genetic-testing kits that have hit the market, promising individualized “genetic supplementation.” Beware these! Although legitimate genetic testing is being done, nothing is yet available to consumers. The science simply isn’t that developed yet.
Recent research at the University of Sydney confirms that many interacting genes are involved in athletic performance, and that the presence of one single gene isn’t meaningful or predictive of present athletic performance or future performance expectations.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: Your genetics are important, but they’re not the only game in town. The bottom line, at least for now, is that the science isn’t yet sufficiently developed to offer meaningful and reliable home scientific genetic tests. In other words, if you’re thinking about getting a genetic test – especially if it’s online or through the mail – don’t. Save your money and buy some protein instead. Those genes will make good use of it!
Source: Trent RJ, Yu B. The future of genetic research in exercise science and sports medicine. Med Sport Sci. 2009;54:187-195. [Epub 2009 Aug 17]
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Workouts Hurt...Carbs Help.
It’s well-known that drinking a carbohydrate drink after your workout is a great way to help offset the hard effects of training on the immune system. A new study by researchers from the University of South Carolina tested the effects of two specific carbohydrate types on markers of immune system strength. They found that glucose and oat beta-glucan reduced susceptibility to infection following stressful exercise.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: Exercise can make you sick, but carbs can fix what ails you. The key is to use the right kinds. Although sucrose and other refined sugars are used in sports drinks, the research shows that a solution of 50% oat beta-glucan and 6% sucrose is highly effective not only as a post-exercise carbohydrate source but also in strengthening your immune system. And this means you can train harder and longer without getting sick.
Source: EA Murphy, JM Davis, MD Carmichael, et al. Benefits of oat β-glucan and sucrose feedings on infection and macrophage antiviral resistance following exercise stress. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Aug 19;297:R1188-R1194.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ironically, the Islamic Solidarity Games are cancelled because of disagreement.
Sources: Reuters, The Jakarta Globe
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Does cardio really make a difference?
Researchers conducted a study measuring cardio training’s influence on the size and function of muscles. For 12 weeks, study participants underwent ergometer training, doing no other form of workout. After 12 weeks, researchers found that quadriceps muscle volume increased by 12 percent and power generated from the knee extensor increased by 55 percent.
Biopsies showed that the cardio training alone increased participants’ type I muscle fiber size by up to 21 percent and increased type I fiber power generation by 28 percent.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: This study is a smoking gun! Not only is cardio important just for general health, but this study shows that doing cardio helps physically change the structure of muscles, leading to “pronounced muscle hypertrophy.” So be sure to incorporate cardio into your training program. It’s no longer a question of if you should do cardio to build muscle, but only a question of when and how much.
Source: Harber MP, Konopka AR, Douglass MD, et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Nov;297(5):R1452-9. Epub 2009 Aug 19.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Don’t be creepy to the booth babes
$10,000 to glory or How not to bribe your way to success in bodybuilding
If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s the scoop. Back in April, the IFBB suspended the Asian Bodybuilding Federation (ABBF) and its Secretary General Paul Chua for allowing three expelled bodybuilders who had previously tested positive for banned substances to participate in the Doha Asian Games three years ago.
One of those banned athletes, 43-year-old Chan Yun To, has recently been charged by Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption with conspiring to offer a US$10,000 bribe to ABBF Secretary General Paul Chua. Chan won the gold at the Doha Games in the 75 kg weight division.
The chairman of the China Bodybuilding and Fitness Association, Simon Chan Siu Man, 39, has also had five charges laid against him due to his involvement in related incidents. Three of the charges against him are for bribery; he also faces one for fraud and one for conspiracy to defraud.
The lesson here? What’s the point of bribing your way into a competition? Drawing attention to yourself – say, by winning – isn’t a good idea, and if you’re not going to try to win, what’s the point?
Friday, January 08, 2010
Popeye's® Athlete of the Month.
Looking at this pic, it's pretty easy to see why. Way to go Darnell!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Think You Can?
As bodybuilders, however, we’re a different breed. We see the lift before we do it, feel the pain that comes from stretching muscle and relish the growth pains afterward. For us, the standard rules don’t apply. We use visualization because it actually works.
But what can you do if you want results and have switched up your program but simply can’t get the results you want? It’s simple: Get inside your own head and switch it up!
A ton of psychological research shows the connection between what you believe happens in the gym and your workout success. More specifically, researchers have shown that the more you feel in control of your workout and that you’re getting results from this control, the better you feel about your workout and the more you feel like you can make changes and overcome potential obstacles and difficulties. And researchers say it’s simple: You have to make your own breaks.
So here’s your FUSION FACTOID: Working out is hard work. It’s demanding but worth it. If you are stuck in a rut and feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel – no solution, no way out – change your thinking. Instead of trying to do something you can’t do or continuing to do the same thing without results, do something specifically to give yourself a sense of confidence and control. Do your favorite exercise or a week of your easy routine. This will not only give your body a break from the constant stress of high-intensity, balls-to-the-wall training but also give your mind time to relax and recuperate from continual frustration. So next time, you’ll be physically and mentally charged for victory!
Source: Coffee P, Rees T, Haslam SA. Bouncing back from failure: The interactive impact of perceived controllability and stability on self-efficacy beliefs and future task performance. J Sports Sci. 2009 Aug 19:1-8. [Epub ahead of print]