"..brief update bro, i abit less than 3 weeks to go and im feeling EXTREMELY DEPLETED as of yesterday bro.... Had all i could do to make it through my Quad training.... Today i woke up at 197.5lbs. Legs are F'N INSANE BRO!... Vascualrity is rediculous and detail is tight...Patiently awaiting my first meal of the day, which is Protien Sahke and Peanutbutter....mmm... i bought new P.P yesterday... ABSOLUTE HEAVEN FLAVOUR BRO.... i know i could drinK the whole bottle.. The flavour is INSANE!!Anyway Age.... this season will be my all time best pullout.... even though i want to QUIT....lol...., but deep inside im pushing my passion and Tammy is right there with me.. Shes keeping me afloat when i feel like im ready to quit and for that i am gratefull.To you all there at FUSION, i want to extend my ENDLESS GRATITUDE for all of your support and look forward to making team FUSION a stand out this year In Vancouver....3lbs to shed.... CUT n DRY!!!I WILL BE READY THIS TIME!! Hammer Your Business!Dave"Ballistic"Naugler"
This is what Dave is looking like today.

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